Rental equipment and services help streamline filtration processes.

Activated carbon is a great solution for the filtration needs in many different industry areas. It is used, for example, in removing impurities, in drinking and wastewater treatment, and in many applications in the food industry, such as sugar refining and the filtration of a variety of process streams.

Haarla has decades of experience in delivering high-quality activated carbon. Starting as a raw material supplier, we have grown into a multifaceted technical partner. We provide plug-and-play rental adsorbers, activated carbon replacements and reactivation services.

Easy commissioning

Rental equipment and services are a fitting, low investment option for piloting activated carbon filtration. Rental adsorbers are also a good choice for industrial plants that are renewing their processes and need a temporary solution for activated carbon filtration. Full-service rental adsorbers are cost-efficient even in long-term use since you do not have to use your own resources for carbon replacement or filter maintenance.

Activated carbon filters are easy to commission. Haarla delivers the inspected and appropriately filled adsorber straight to your door – you only need to plug it in. Haarla’s expert team helps you choose the right carbon for your specific application.

Quick and clean carbon replacement

Replacing spent activated carbon can be messy. If the carbon has adsorbed toxic substances, replacement becomes even trickier. With Haarla’s rental activated carbon filters you do not have to get your hands dirty. When your activated carbon is at the end of its lifespan, Haarla will deliver a new, ready-to-use filter in its place. You only need to remove the old adsorber from the process and plug in the new one. Haarla will then take away the old adsorber and its contents and reactivate the carbon.

The replacement interval depends on the application and the size of the filter. The necessary replacement interval and volume will be agreed on with each customer. Rental filters come in many sizes, from small ones to large, 20 cubic meter adsorbers.

The goal is always to reactivate spent activated carbon. Reactivation is five times more ecological than producing new activated carbon. Haarla delivers the carbon to the reactivation plants of its partner Chemviron Carbon, where the carbon is heated to 950 degrees °C to restore its adsorption qualities. Read more about the reactivation service here.

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